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The previously unknown benefits of eggplant

Penulis : sabahtan on Tuesday, 2 June 2020 | June 02, 2020

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

The main crown of food is the medicine of diabetes

There are those who love eggplants very much, and those who do not like it at all ... Eggplant begins to taste, almost everything on the table becomes eggplant ...

If you think "There is no use anyway, why should I eat?" You are wrong.

There are vitamin A and phosphorus in eggplant.

The biggest feature of eggplant, which has some essences, is to calm the nerves.

Since it is diuretic, it helps the body to lose water and lose weight.

It is good for anemia. The healthiest way to cook is to cook it in ash or on the stove, peel and crush it.

Eggplant protects the vessels from the bad effects of high cholesterol. In an experiment on animals, stomach cancer was not observed in those who ate eggplant.

It has also been found that it is good for the development of muscles and involuntary muscle contractions. Eggplant is a fiber vegetable.

Experts state that thanks to these fibers, it is good for indigestion and also works the intestines well.

It adds this vegetable, which is beneficial to our health, to the list of dieticians for those who want to lose weight.
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Natural solution for whitening hair

Natural solution for whitening hair
Explaining that in the old times, women rub their bleached eyebrows, fired walnuts and used various vegetable oils for their whitening hair, Seda Sakacı said that the plant named wasabi japonica, which was grown in Japan, was used to turn white hair back to its own color.

The formula suggested by Seda Sakacı for the bleaching hair is as follows:


- 30 ml carrot seed oil

- 10 ml nettle seed oil

- 10 ml of black seed oil

- 20 ml walnut oil

Application: After mixing all the ingredients, put them in a dark glass bottle and massage your scalp twice a week. Wash your hair with a natural shampoo or olive oil soap.

Seda Sakacı
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Match results of the 27th week in the German Bundesliga!

Penulis : sabahtan on Sunday, 24 May 2020 | May 24, 2020

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Continuing to follow the leader Bayern Munich, Borussia Dortmund increased its score to 57 while defeating Wolfsburg 2-0 on the road. Wolfsburg, who plans to participate in European trophies, remained at 39 points.

Bayern Munich, who hosted Eintracht Frankfurt in the field, scored 5-2 in the match where 7 goals were scored, making 61 points. Thus, he managed to keep the 4-point difference with B. Dortmund in the second row.

GOAL: Bittencourt 19 ′

GOALS: Srbeny 9 ′ / Skov 4 ′

GOALS: Guerreiro 32 ′, Judge 78 ′

GOALS: Havertz 7 ′, 58 ′ (p), Bender 81 ′, Thuram 52 ′

GOLLER: Goretzka 17 ′, Thomas Müller 41 ′, Lewandowski 46 ′, Hinteregger 52 ′, 55 ′, 74 ′ (dec.), A. Davies 61 ′

Spielergebnisse der 27. Woche in der deutschen Bundesliga!

Borussia Dortmund folgte weiterhin dem Tabellenführer Bayern München und erhöhte seine Punktzahl auf 57, während er Wolfsburg auf der Straße mit 2: 0 besiegte. Wolfsburg, der an europäischen Trophäen teilnehmen will, blieb bei 39 Punkten.

Bayern München, Gastgeber von Eintracht Frankfurt auf seinem Feld, erzielte 7: 2 in einem Spiel, in dem 7 Tore erzielt wurden, und erzielte 61 Punkte. So gelang es ihm, den 4-Punkte-Unterschied zu B. Dortmund in der zweiten Reihe zu halten.

Résultats du match de la 27e semaine en Bundesliga allemande!

Continuant à suivre le leader du Bayern Munich, le Borussia Dortmund a porté son score à 57 tout en battant Wolfsburg 2-0 sur la route. Wolfsburg, qui prévoit de participer aux trophées européens, est resté à 39 points.

Le Bayern Munich, qui a accueilli l'Eintracht Frankfurt sur le terrain, a marqué 5-2 dans le match où 7 buts ont été marqués, ce qui fait 61 points. Ainsi, il a réussi à conserver la différence de 4 points avec B. Dortmund au deuxième rang.

¡Resultados de la 27ª semana en la Bundesliga alemana!

Continuando con el líder Bayern Munich, Borussia Dortmund aumentó su puntaje a 57 mientras derrotaba a Wolfsburg 2-0 en el camino. Wolfsburg, que planea participar en trofeos europeos, se mantuvo en 39 puntos.

El Bayern de Múnich, que recibió al Eintracht Frankfurt en el campo, anotó 5-2 en el partido donde se anotaron 7 goles, haciendo 61 puntos. Por lo tanto, logró mantener la diferencia de 4 puntos con B. Dortmund en la segunda fila.
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Foods good for constipation

Constipation is a common problem that many people experience.

The shape and severity of symptoms can vary from person to person. Some people only rarely experience constipation, while others chronically experience this condition. Constipation can have many causes, insufficient fluid consumption, emotional instability, malnutrition, inactivity, and certain medications can cause constipation.

Some foods can ease constipation by softening stool, reducing bowel transit time, and increasing stool frequency. Here are foods that can help relieve constipation and keep you organized.


Dried fruits and especially prunes have been used to prevent or treat constipation since ancient times. Dry plum has a high fiber content, and thanks to these insoluble fibers, it increases the amount of water in the stool, making it easier to defecate.

1 medium pear contains an average of 6 grams of fiber, and this high fiber content highlights it in preventing constipation. Pears are also rich in fructose and sorbitol content.


Probiotic bacteria and prebiotic foods that feed them are essential for gut health. Artichoke also has a prebiotic effect that helps increase the beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

El estreñimiento es un problema común que muchas personas experimentan.

La forma y la gravedad de los síntomas pueden variar de persona a persona. Algunas personas rara vez experimentan estreñimiento, mientras que otras experimentan crónicamente esta afección. El estreñimiento puede tener muchas causas, el consumo insuficiente de líquidos, la inestabilidad emocional, la desnutrición, la inactividad y ciertos medicamentos pueden causar estreñimiento.

Algunos alimentos pueden aliviar el estreñimiento al ablandar las heces, reducir el tiempo de tránsito intestinal y aumentar la frecuencia de las heces. Aquí hay alimentos que pueden ayudar a aliviar el estreñimiento y mantenerlo organizado.

Las frutas secas, y especialmente las ciruelas pasas, se han utilizado para prevenir o tratar el estreñimiento desde la antigüedad. La ciruela seca tiene un alto contenido de fibra y, gracias a estas fibras insolubles, aumenta la cantidad de agua en las heces, lo que facilita la defecación.


1 pera mediana contiene un promedio de 6 gramos de fibra, y este alto contenido de fibra lo destaca para prevenir el estreñimiento. Las peras también son muy ricas en contenido de fructosa y sorbitol.


Las bacterias probióticas y los alimentos prebióticos que los alimentan son esenciales para la salud intestinal. La alcachofa también tiene un efecto prebiótico que ayuda a aumentar las bacterias beneficiosas en el intestino.

La constipation est un problème courant que de nombreuses personnes éprouvent.

La forme et la gravité des symptômes peuvent varier d'une personne à l'autre. Certaines personnes ne souffrent que rarement de constipation, tandis que d'autres souffrent chroniquement de cette condition. La constipation peut avoir de nombreuses causes, une consommation insuffisante de liquide, une instabilité émotionnelle, la malnutrition, l'inactivité et certains médicaments peuvent provoquer la constipation.

Certains aliments peuvent soulager la constipation en ramollissant les selles, en réduisant le temps de transit intestinal et en augmentant la fréquence des selles. Voici des aliments qui peuvent aider à soulager la constipation et à rester organisé.

Prune séchée
Les fruits secs, et en particulier les pruneaux, ont été utilisés pour prévenir ou traiter la constipation depuis l'Antiquité. La prune sèche a une teneur élevée en fibres et, grâce à ces fibres insolubles, elle augmente la quantité d'eau dans les selles, ce qui facilite la défécation.


1 poire moyenne contient en moyenne 6 grammes de fibres, et cette teneur élevée en fibres la met en évidence dans la prévention de la constipation. Les poires sont également très riches en fructose et en sorbitol.


Les bactéries probiotiques et les aliments prébiotiques qui les nourrissent sont essentiels pour la santé intestinale. L'artichaut a également un effet prébiotique qui aide à augmenter les bactéries bénéfiques dans l'intestin.

Запор является распространенной проблемой, с которой сталкиваются многие люди.

Форма и серьезность симптомов могут варьироваться от человека к человеку. Некоторые люди редко испытывают запоры, в то время как другие хронически испытывают это состояние. У запора может быть много причин, недостаточное потребление жидкости, эмоциональная нестабильность, недоедание, отсутствие активности и некоторые лекарства могут вызвать запор.

Некоторые продукты могут ослабить запор, смягчая стул, сокращая время прохождения кишечника и увеличивая частоту стула. Вот продукты, которые могут помочь уменьшить запор и держать вас организованным.

Сухофрукты, и особенно чернослив, использовались для предотвращения или лечения запоров с древних времен. Сухая слива имеет высокое содержание клетчатки, и благодаря этим нерастворимым волокнам она увеличивает количество воды в кале, облегчая испарение.


1 средняя груша содержит в среднем 6 граммов клетчатки, и такое высокое содержание клетчатки подчеркивает ее в предотвращении запоров. Груши также очень богаты фруктозой и сорбитом.


Пробиотические бактерии и пребиотические продукты, которые их кормят, необходимы для здоровья кишечника. Артишок также обладает пребиотическим эффектом, который помогает увеличить количество полезных бактерий в кишечнике.

Kabızlık bir çok insanın yaşadığı ortak bir sorundur.

Semptomların şekli ve şiddeti kişiden kişiye değişebilir. Bazı insanlar sadece nadiren kabızlık yaşarlarken, diğerleri kronik olarak bu durumu yaşar. Kabızlık bir çok sebebi olabilir, yetersiz sıvı tüketimi, duygusal dengesizlik, kötü beslenme, hareketsizlik, kullanılan bazı ilaçlar kabızlığa sebep olabilir.

Bazı besinler dışkıyı yumuşatarak, bağırsak geçiş süresini azaltarak ve dışkı sıklığını artırarak kabızlığı hafifletebilir. İşte kabızlığı rahatlatmaya ve düzenli tutmanıza yardımcı olabilecek besinler.

Kuru meyveler ve özellikle de kuru erik eski zamanlardan beri kabızlığı önlemek veya tedavi etmek için kullanılır. Kuru eriğin lif içeriği yüksektir ve bu çözünmeyen lifleri sayesinde dışkıda bulunan su miktarını artırarak dışkılamayı kolaylaştırır.

1 orta boy armut ortalama 6 gram kadar lif içeriyor ve bu yüksek lif içeriği kabızlığı önlemede onu ön plana çıkarıyor. Armutlar ayrıca fruktoz ve sorbitol içeriği açısından çok zengindir.


Probiyotik bakteriler ve onları besleyen prebiyotik besinler bağırsak sağlığı için çok önemlidir. Enginar da bağırsakta faydalı bakterilerin artmasına yardımcı olan prebiyotik etkiye sahiptir.Enginar tüketip lif aldığımızda bağırsaklarda faydalı bakteri sayısının çok arttığı görülüyor
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Pleated crochet knit skirt pattern for girls

This fluffy knitted skirt pattern looks very nice for baby girls. The butterfly motif placed on the waist also shows beauty and elegance. Your girl will wear this knit skirt.
Lace knit crochet fashion braids new models
Pleated crochet knit skirt pattern for girls.

Ce modèle de jupe en tricot moelleux est très joli pour les bébés filles.Le motif papillon placé à la taille montre également la beauté et l'élégance.Votre fille portera cette jupe en tricot.
Tresses de mode au crochet en dentelle de nouveaux modèles
Patron de jupe en tricot plissé au crochet pour fille.

Este patrón de falda de punto esponjoso se ve muy bien para las niñas. El motivo de mariposa colocado en la cintura también muestra belleza y elegancia. Su niña usará esta falda de punto con amor.
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Falda plisada de crochet para niñas.

Этот пушистый узор из вязаной юбки очень хорошо смотрится для маленьких девочек. Мотив бабочки на талии также демонстрирует красоту и элегантность. Ваша девушка будет носить эту вязаную юбку.
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Плиссированная вязаная юбка с узором для девочек

Kız bebekler için kabarık şekilde örülmüş bu etek modeli çok hoş görünüyor.Bel kısmına yerleştirilen kelebek motifi ise ayrıca güzellik ve şıklık gösteriyor.Kız çocuğunuz bu örgü eteği severek giyecek
Dantel örgü tığ işi moda örgüler yeni modeller.
Kız çocuklarıiçin pileli tığ işi örgü etek modeli.
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Raglan sleeve lace patterned skirt ladies' sweater knitting pattern

Raglan sleeve lace patterned skirt ladies' sweater knitting pattern.
This combination will suit young women very well.
Knit long strap bag and white seasonal trousers complement the combination very well.

Raglan Ärmel Spitzen gemusterten Rock Damen Pullover Strickmuster

Le motif chandail de tricot de manches raglan dentelle à motifs dames jupe
Cette combinaison conviendra aux jeunes femmes.Un sac long en tricot et un pantalon de saison blanc complètent très bien la combinaison.

Esta combinación se adaptará muy bien a las mujeres jóvenes.
El bolso largo de tirantes de punto y los pantalones blancos de temporada complementan muy bien la combinación.

Эта комбинация подойдет молодым женщинам. Вязаная длинная сумка и белые сезонные брюки прекрасно дополнят эту комбинацию.

Reglan kol etekleri dantel desenli örgü bayan kazak modeli
Genç bayanlara bu kombin çok yakışacak.
Örgü uzun askılı çanta ve beyaz mevsimlik pantolon kombini çok güzel tamamlıyor.
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Knitted baby beanie models with pompoms

How about dressing beautiful babies with nice caps. Colorful caps will suit babies.

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Que diriez-vous d'habiller de belles poupées avec de jolis chapeaux.
Les casquettes colorées conviendront très bien aux bébés.

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Las gorras coloridas se adaptarán a los bebés.

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Красочные шапки подойдут малышам.
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Half-neck collar baby sweater model with scallop raglan

Half-neck collar baby sweater model with scallop raglan
You can find many models in boys' sweaters.
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Saçörgü reglanlı yarım boğazlı yaka bebek süveter modeli
Erkek çocuk kazaklarında pek çok model bulabilirsiniz.Reklan modelli örgüler daha bir güzel görüntü sağlar.
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Modèle de pull bébé col 1/2 avec raglan festonné
Vous pouvez trouver de nombreux modèles dans les pulls pour garçons.
De beaux garçons méritent d'être choisis

Modelo de suéter de cuello medio para bebé con raglán de vieira.
Puedes encontrar muchos modelos en suéteres para niños.
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